How to have less heat in the house? All strategies

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When summer arrives, we begin to fight against the scorching temperatures, which make not only the external environments very hot, but also the internal ones. Not everyone has the opportunity to use air conditioners and fans, which are also not particularly environmentally friendly. How to do then? Fortunately, there are several strategies you can adopt to keep your home cooler.

Open windows
In the morning and in the evening, ventilate the rooms well : the outside air can help refresh the rooms of the house. During the day, on the other hand, when it’s very hot, especially if the windows are exposed to direct sunlight, it’s better to close them, so as to prevent the heat from the surrounding environment from entering the house. If you don’t need the light, you can also lower the shutters or close the doors . You can make an exception to the rule only if you live in fairly windy areas or if your home is somehow sheltered or in the middle of the greenery. Also, it helps to keep the doors closed between rooms during the day.

Turn off electrical appliances
During the night and when you are not using them, turn off household appliances, electronic devices and electrical appliances: otherwise they not only consume energy, but also release heat unnecessarily . It is also better to remove the stand by and the mobile phone charger from the sockets. Another tip is to make the most of the sunlight , turning on the lights only when absolutely necessary . Then no to the hair dryer: let the hair dry in the air. Iron as little as possible: the iron emits heat. Remember to remove screen savers from your computer: this saves energy and at the same time reduces heat output.

Dress appropriately
Depending on the case, clothing can also contribute to increasing or decreasing the sensation of heat felt. When you are at home, wear light clothes, made of natural materials such as cotton, which allow perspiration. No to synthetic, close-fitting, too heavy garments. In any case, leave many areas uncovered.

Freshen up
To cool off when you feel hot, you can take showers with warm water or you can wet your face and arms with cool water . But be careful: if you are very hot, wait before taking a cold shower (the precaution applies especially to children and the elderly ). Yes also to sponge baths and sprays of fresh water to be used on the whole body.

Turn on the air conditioners, but sparingly
If it’s very hot and it’s possible, turn on the air conditioning but don’t overdo it: there shouldn’t be a five-six degree difference between inside and outside . In this way less energy is consumed and health is also protected. Always keep doors and windows closed while the air conditioning system is on. Beware of fans: when the temperature exceeds 32°C, they can increase the risk of dehydration .

Other useful tips
Screen the windows with clear curtains , possibly white, to protect the windows from the sun and reflect the sun’s rays .
If possible, equip yourself with thermal and insulating curtains. Parasols are also a good solution for creating a shady outpost at the doors and windows of the house.
Create as many air corridors as possible between the different rooms.
In the central hours of the day, if temperatures reach high peaks, it may be useful to go to refrigerated places, such as museums or shops.
Try to spend as much time as possible in the coolest areas of the house.
Do not drink alcohol because they compromise the thermoregulation system .
Choose compact fluorescent bulbs, which heat up less than incandescent bulbs.
Grow climbing plants on the outside walls of your home or plant trees if you have a garden or terrace: plants and flowers, in fact, absorb heat.
Do the laundry in the coolest hours, so as not to create additional heat with condensation and steam .

Daniel J. Brown

Daniel J. Brown (Editor-in-Chief) is a recently retired data analyst who gets a kick out of reading and writing the news. He enjoys good music, great food, and sports, with a slant towards Southern college football, basketball and professional baseball.

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